Smart Succession
Smart Succession: Preparing Yourself and Your Business for the Future. A talk given by John E. Anderson at the Washington State University Business Growth Mentor and Analysis Program ALLIANCE, Vancouver Washington May 18, 2016.
Part 1
Business schools teach how to start a business and innovate, baby boomer business owners need to learn how to innovate to make a Smart Exit.
Part 2
Business owners say they have an exit plan. If you’re suddenly gone, can your wife, attorney or accountant understand those 10 sentences you left? Can she implement it and carry on at a time she least wants to run your business? It’s time to create a new habit. Become the venture capitalist in your business. When will you exit and what will be your ROI on the hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars you’ve invested?
Part 8
Creators keep creating!
Part 11
Steadily grow value…. then carefully step away and mentor the new leader with management tools.